Last Monday I made my way via the Mommy & Daddy taxi to see Dr. Karp. It was time for a couple more shots and to get checked out. To catch you up, as of my last visit about a month earlier I weighed in at 14lbs 6 1/2 ozs. Then I was freed to start eating some of that good food that all of these older people eat. Vegetables & Fruits...OH MY! My favorites are definitely Sweet Potatoes. Least favorite are Green Peas. And all of these fruits and veggies have been doing my body good. When the nurse weighed me on Monday, i weighed 16 lbs 1 oz. That is almost 2 pounds in a month. And now i have been introduced to meats. Mommy and Daddy turn their nose up to them and will not even taste them like they do the fruits and they really think those Big Macs taste better??
Everything else is good. It appears that my Torticollis has not come back as the physical therapist warned. I actually slept in the car seat the other day with my head tilted to the right side. This was a big step as for the last 7 months, i have slept with my head to the left side.
And while I am talking about you may or may not know, i have not been ready to sleep for more than 3-4 hours at a time during the night. Mommy and Daddy struggled with this as they are not fans of letting me "cry it out", but they were ready to get some decent sleep. They read books, other blogs, internet sites and everyone had great advice. Last Wednesday night, December 17, 2008, I decided I would let them know I was ready to sleep through the night now. It was the last night in Aruba. We all went to bed at about 9:30pm and they woke up when they heard me crying. They looked down, wiped their eyes, saw the time on the clock, wiped their eyes again, looked at each other and couldn't hold in their was 5:30. I slept for 8 hours without nursing or crying and did all of this in a hotel crib. Ever since this time, I have been doing such a good job at sleeping through the night. Some nights i will get up and just need some reassurance or a little mommy-milk, but then i fall back to sleep and have been averaging 8-9 hours each night. So after all of the advice and research, I let them know when i was ready. Life is Good!
2009 Home & Flower Show
16 years ago