Monday, March 30, 2009

Big News!!!

Yesterday was a very exciting day for the Riley household! My mommy and daddy actually made it out of bed and decided that we needed to go to church! So, off we went to the church in Ghent where mommy and daddy have gone a few times...and even fewer since I have been here! I was a very good boy during the service. I just sat and looked at all of the new people and ate some cheerios...and they were yummy! Mommy decided to give me something new last week so we have been having cheerios and I LOVE THOSE THINGS!! But, back to our day. We got home and I decided that I was not going to take a nap, which did not make my mommy and daddy very happy, seeing that my daddy had some work he needed to get done! We played most of the afternoon, like normal and daddy did his work...then went out and enjoyed the weather!!! It was beautiful here and now we seriously have spring fever!!! So, on to the BIG NEWS...after dinner we were hanging out in the living room and I was wanting to sit with my mommy because I was so darn tired. My daddy was trying to distract me by playing ball with me, so I turned around let go of the couch and.....I TOOK MY FIRST STEP!!!!

Mommy and Daddy could hardly believe it, but it happened, so now I am just trying to master taking steps! Look out I come!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

URGENT REQUEST: Pray for Stellan

Stellan, MckMama's youngest baby, is back in the hospital and needs our Prayers more than ever.

Too Stinkin Cute

This was too stinkin cute to keep to ourselves. Peyton was asked to come pose for some pictures for The Skinny Dip Frozen Yogurt Bar...this is our absolute favorite.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pictures of Bailey Ann Hutchinson

Bailey Ann Hutchinson Stats:

Peyton wondering who or what his daddy is holding...

The proud new Uncle...

Such a precious little face...

Update on Aunt Meg

I was tired so I had to come home to take a nap, but i wanted to update everyone. Meg is doing very well. Baby Bailey's stats are looking great also. Uncle Hutch is also doing well. Meg felt so good that she actually asked the nurse to increase the dose of Pitocin...the nurse said that she was the first patient to ever ask to increase it. Within about 10 minutes, the pain increased and on our way out, Meg asked us to request an epidural. So I am now home taking a nap. I can't wait to wake up and go back to meet my cousin Bailey when she is born.

My Cousin Bailey

We got the call this morning at Aunt Meg's water broke and she and Uncle Hutch were at the Hospital. My Cousin Bailey should arrive today. She let Mommy and Daddy know at about 8:15am, while i was still sleeping (funny how every morning when Mommy is wishing i would sleep in, i want to be up at 7, but this morning i want to sleep in) that they were getting ready to start her on Pitocin. Mommy says let the fun begin. What is she talking about? Does she think it was fun for me to come out of my warm home for 9 months into this world of People, lights, loud noises, diapers, etc.? Please keep the Hutchinsons and baby Bailey in your prayers. I will update when i get back from the hospital, but it is now time to go see everyone at the Hospital.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

More teeth

Last Friday, February 27th, mommy and I came downstairs like normal after we woke up and mommy made a shocking discovery! She found 2 teeth in my mouth that I had sprouted! She immediately called my daddy and asked him if he knew about this...Needless to say, they were both a little shocked that 2 teeth came in at one time! They have not managed to take any good pictures of all six of them yet, I am sure they will get one soon!

9 Month Picture People

So, for those of you who don't already know, my mommy and daddy love to take me to get my picture taken once a month...usually pretty close to my monthly birthday! We have been going to the "Picture People" since I was 2 months old! The first time we went, mommy and daddy spent a lot of money....How could they resist my adorable poses! But, then they learned that they just needed to get their free 8X10 and be on their merry way!! So, they have been pretty good about spending less than $20 each time we go in. When we went for my 9 month photo shoot, the photographer managed to get one of me standing all by myself!

Then they wanted me to pose with this stool! Well, it was as big as I was...

I am trying to find my daddy...he was jumping out from behind the door trying to make me worked!

I had a fun time with this photo shoot!!! I laughed and smiled more than ever this go round!!!

Mommy and Daddy bought this one in and 8X10 to hang on the "Wall of Peyton!" I think they made a good decision!

We are finally getting these on the blog and guess is almost time to go back and do the double digit photo shoot...Can you believe I am going to be 10 months old in 10 days!!! Wow, how time flies!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Praying for Jonah

We have found a story about the Williams family and in particular Baby Jonah, a little boy born on Friday in Winston-Salem, NC (Amy's hometown). You may recognize this blog if you followed their story in 2008 when their first baby, Gabe, was stillborn at 37 weeks and now, less than a year later, their second baby, Baby Jonah, is battling Epidermolysis Bullosa, which affects only 8 out of every 1 million babies. Please join us as we pray for Baby Jonah, his family and the doctors at Brenner's Children's Hospital. Thank you for your prayers!

We have added a button on the side of our blog that will link you directly to the Williams Family Blog.