Monday, July 20, 2009

Weaning Part 2 Updated!!!

Peyton has done a fabulous job with the weaning process. Since, Friday, he has not nursed at all in the morning time! Woo hoo!!! He has even been sleeping in his own bed until about 8! Needless to say, I am such a happy mommy. I never imagined that he would be so easy, but I am so glad that he is. Sunday was also very monumnetal in that Peyton did not nurse one single time...we were out at naptime so...he went a full 48 hours between feedings! Unbelievable....if you ask me!

Yesterday, we decided to head to the zoo on a that is why we have no pictures, but anyway, we have never been, so on our way home yesterday morning, we ran a few errands first thing, we stopped off. Within 15 minutes of us arriving, you know who feel fast asleep in his stroller! Oh well, we will go back again...and maybe he can stay awake!

And last but not least...our latest trick. I can open up the cabinets and the drawers! If you can believe it, I also get angry if my mommy or daddy tells me "No!"

Saturday, July 18, 2009

2nd Molar is Through

I woke up this morning to find that my second molar had popped through. It's kind of funny to look in my mouth and see my front 4 teeth (top and bottom) and then see a big molar on each side (bottom), but that's how i roll. Any guesses on which tooth will be next? The winner will get a hi-five from yours truly. Good luck.

Weaning Part 2

So, this week...actually Friday, I, being Mommy, decided that it was time to continue the weaning process. Peyton is nursing twice a day, once in the morning and then again at naptime. I am determined to break the morning feeding so maybe Peyton can sleep until 8 and not 6. He wakes up at 6 almost every morning comes into bed with Daddy and me, nurses and goes back to sleep. So, as of yesterday, I am trying to break it. And today being day 2, we have done very good! He has only nursed at naptime...I am hoping it continues and he will figure out how to sleep those crucial 2 more hours! We will see!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July Pics...finally

we had such a great 4th of July this year...My MawMaw and PawPaw came up to visit. I had not seen them since my birthday so it was great being able to play on the beach with them all morning. We got to watch the parade go through East Beach and I just waved and watched everyone. Can you tell I love running...This was during the parade in the croquet course!

Daddy trying to get me...

Running and running and running...
Finally a sit down break for mommy to snap a few pictures
There goes the parade!

Later that night we went to a cookout out at our friends house where my best buddy Cole was too!

Just chatting...
Daddy, me and Cole
My first taste of PopPops beer! Just Kidding!!
Me and Cole
Another shot of me thinking I want a taste of Pop Pops drink!
Mommy and Daddy let me stay up for fireworks, but halfway through I was done and ready to go to bed. It was such a fun day!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pool Days

This summer we are trying to learn how to like the water...On Sunday Daddy came with us to the pool. That is the only way I can get pictures!

Weaning Update...

So far so good! Since last Monday, June 22, Kevin has been putting Peyton to bed, except for last Thursday when his Nana put him to bed! All is going well! I can't even believe that I am not the only one who can put him to bed. Now only morning and nap time feedings to go! We will see...