Peyton has done a fabulous job with the weaning process. Since, Friday, he has not nursed at all in the morning time! Woo hoo!!! He has even been sleeping in his own bed until about 8! Needless to say, I am such a happy mommy. I never imagined that he would be so easy, but I am so glad that he is. Sunday was also very monumnetal in that Peyton did not nurse one single time...we were out at naptime so...he went a full 48 hours between feedings! Unbelievable....if you ask me!
Yesterday, we decided to head to the zoo on a that is why we have no pictures, but anyway, we have never been, so on our way home yesterday morning, we ran a few errands first thing, we stopped off. Within 15 minutes of us arriving, you know who feel fast asleep in his stroller! Oh well, we will go back again...and maybe he can stay awake!
And last but not least...our latest trick. I can open up the cabinets and the drawers! If you can believe it, I also get angry if my mommy or daddy tells me "No!"
2009 Home & Flower Show
15 years ago