Monday, November 30, 2009

And Now...

And now I will share the stage with Daddy for a little announcement:

Beginning this Wednesday (December 2nd), I will be starting a weekly post for what I have termed, "Daddy Blogging Wednesdays". I know, I is not what you may have been thinking. I heard some very funny guesses on what some of you thought i had planned, but as great as some of them were, this is it...Daddy is going to Blog. I am going to blog about any and every thing that is on my mind. I started out blogging a lot through Amy's pregnancy and through the first couple months of Peyton's life, but then I disappeared from the Blog and Amy took over. I am back and I hope to bring with me other Dads who do not blog to take part in these Wednesday posts. If I have not contacted you about getting involved, please accept this as an invitation to join me for Daddy Blogging Wednesdays. I hope to get some help from some Blog friends to get this started so please pass this idea by your husband or any other Daddys that you think would be interested in blogging and have them email me at It would also be great if you could copy this post and put it on your blog so others can join in.
I follow several blogs and only one is written by a dad (Thank you Nate!). Wouldn't it be great if other dads joined in the fun? It doesn't matter if it is a short post or long post...It doesn't matter how it is written...It doesn't matter what you are writing about...All that matters is that Dads are writing.
So this Wednesday will be my first "Daddy Blogging Wednesdays" post. Who wants to join me?

Friday, November 27, 2009

What does Daddy Have Planned?

I may have confused everyone with my last posts...Sorry.
No Mommy is not pregnant...Good Thought though~I mention this because a couple people have asked if this was the surprise! I would love a little brother or sister, but I will have to wait.

Daddy is going to start something new on the blog...Stay tuned as it is coming next week.
Hoping everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A few pictures you want a clue. Daddy says "no way".
But while you are waiting, here are some pictures that Daddy likes.
These were taken as my 1-year pictures by Ramone (Ramone Photography Studio--Ramone is absolutely amazing) on the beach outside our house.

Coming Soon

Daddy has something fun Coming Soon. This is something he has been waiting a while to do and...stay tuned.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

18 Month Checkup

Today was my visit to see Dr. Karp as an 18-month old. I am starting to recognize where I am and I let everyone know that I was not happy. And of course they want to torture me at the beginning by completing the worst part of the checkup...checking my height and weight. I can't stand having to lay down on those cold pieces of equipment. Mommy and Daddy always look so excited...can they not feel my pain? I now measure 32 1/2" and weigh 22lbs 7ozs. That puts me on track with where I have always been. I am above average in height and below average in weight. Then Dr. Karp came in to check me out. She is so fun...she played with me, showed me my Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and then started to check my ears, eyes, etc. I did not like that nearly as much as her singing to me. Everything looked good. Mommy and Daddy then had some questions for her. #1 was...Why I am not sleeping anymore? Let me answer this...why would i want to sleep in a crib when i can sleep between them in bed? Dr. Karp's answer was to let me cry it out. Mommy and Daddy do not believe in CIO. They are going to try some other techniques and are always open to suggestions...just no CIO. When i am left for too long crying in my crib, I bang my head against the crib sides/back, throw everything out of the crib, start screaming and shaking uncontrollably. I am going to show Mommy and Daddy how good I can sleep tonight. Night Night!

Friday, November 20, 2009

What a CHARMED life we have...

Last Sunday was beautiful here! Who would think in the middle of November we could walk down to the bay and play? After our Nor'easter we had the previous days, it was nice to be able to go down and enjoy the nice temperatures and sunshine! Bailee even got to join us and she had a blast!
Look what we found...a jellyfish that was bigger than daddy's hand!

Me and daddy discussing a few things!
Bailee waiting for me to throw her the ball! She loves to play in the water!
Me walking Baillee or maybe Bailee walking me!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino

Have you guys ever tasted anything like this...It is very obvious that I come from my daddy! For those of you who don't know...he is addicted to Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino's. I never really knew what mommy and daddy wanted to go there all the time for, but then one day they decided it was time for me to find out!

And I am so glad they decided it was time because I LOVE this drink!
I just sit, watch Nick Jr and drink my Starbucks! What a life!!
Good to the last drop...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My First Sleepover

Amy here...Friday night was a huge night in our household. Kevin and I had our second race on Saturday morning at 8! We knew that we would have to leave the house before Peyton would be awake so we had to make a decision about whether he should have a sleepover with his Nana and Pop Pop (gasp) or if we would wake him up and drop him off early? Well, we chose the first option. We were going to have our 1st official sleepover at the ripe old age of 17 1/2 months. Yes, we have never left the child overnight anywhere. A lot of the reason behind that is because Peyton is not the greatest sleeper, but Nana and Pop Pop were up for the challenge. So, off he went to their house and home Kevin and I came to our first night of not listening for a child on a baby monitor. Peyton did pretty good, he woke up once and Nana rocked him back to sleep and he woke up a second time around 4 and got to get in bed with his Nana and Pop Pop. He did very good considering it was his first ever night being away from us. We were thinking that when we got to see him Saturday morning that he would be very excited to see us...nope, no way! We did not compare to Pop Pop! He just wanted to play with him in the hugs or kisses for mom or dad! I see where we rank now. Ha!

Happy Halloween

For Halloween this year, I was Micky Mouse. He is one of my favorites and the costume was too cute for my Nana and Madelyn to pass up. We had dinner at Dick and Madeylyn's house before the trick or treating began. I was not really up for dinner, I just wanted to play with my Pop Pop and cousin Cole. But, we eventually had to get ready and go out and get some candy or so my Mommy and Daddy thought.
Me and Mimi...she was telling me all about the candy I was going to be collecting!
As I was saying, my mommy and daddy thought we were going to visit our friends in the neighborhood. So, Pop Pop carried me to the door and that is the point where I wanted the world to know exactly how I was feeling. I wanted my Pop Pop and that is all I wanted...the whole entire night! The only way I would stop crying was by having a sip of Coke or...

...throwing myself down on the ground every 5 minutes. I cried the entire time we were out which was no more than 45 minutes! Mommy and Daddy finally got so frustrated that we ended up heading back to Dick and Madelyn's house where I saw my Pop Pop and all of a sudden I was a happy Peyton again! Not what mom and dad had envisioned, but then again it is all about me right???

The Pumpkin Patch

So, Mommy has been very slow to get pictures of our trip to the Pumpkin Patch up. Can you believe her? Well, we decided to go to the farmers market and pick us out a pumpkin or two or three. So, off we went and there were so many pumpkins for me to choose from.
Daddy tried to sit me on top of one of the pumpkins so I could have a picture taken, but I did not like that idea.
Hey guys...why is this pumpkin white and not orange???
Wave to the camera....
The perfect one for me...