Sorry about the leave of absence. There is no excuse, but in my defense I have been very busy at work.
I was sitting at dinner tonight thinking about parenting and how each parent and parenting style is different. Before Peyton was here, I often thought about how I would parent. Once Peyton arrived, all of those ideas began to take shape. Some of them I changed--some by choice and some by necessity. One of these that changed is how I get Peyton to do things. Over the past few months I have realized that toddlers do what they want to do. They play with what THEY want to play with, they eat what THEY want to eat, they say what THEY want to say...get the idea here?
As I sat in our kitchen with Peyton as he ate dinner, I caught myself doing something that has become second nature over these last few months...I turn those things that may not interest Peyton into a game to get the results I desire. As he sat there eating his Mac n Cheese (his favorite meal by far), I could see him slowing down and I wanted to make sure he got a good dinner in his tummy (for my next post, I am going to try to write about how I have changed my vocabulary to a toddler-friendly vocabulary...can you say Poopie, Pee Pee, Tummy??). We were watching Elmo on TV (thanks to my grandparents for turning me onto Netflix so we could watch Elmo any time) so I started the game. I would load up the fork and say "Show Elmo how you eat your macaroni and cheese". Then i realized, I use this same game for a lot of things in life. Show Mommy how you go Pee Pee in the potty...Show Bailee how you can sit in your car seat. Now I just wish that I could play this same game with sleeping at night (he is much better now, but still not sleeping through the night regularly.
So now, i need to ask you a question. We are still working on potty-training and Peyton is doing great at going pee-pee in the potty when he needs to go (while at home...we still haven't tried it outside of the house). The problem is when he needs know...poo poo. He knows when he has to go, but does not want to go on the potty and there are no games fun enough for him to show anyone or anything how he goes poo poo in the potty. He asks us to put on his Ahdee (that is what he calls his diaper). Then he proceeds to do his business.
So how do you get a toddler to do this business in the potty?