Peyton loves standing on a chair and flipping over our couch once his daddy comes home from work! I always joke with Kevin that he turns into a different child at 5:30! So, on this particular night, Kevin and I were at the bar eating dinner and Peyton was playing and decided that he wanted to try to flip over the couch. We had told him "NO" many, many times and finally we gave up and just let him have at it! Big Mistake made by thing we know, he is laying on the ground beside the chair, two steps away from us crying. We were thinking he just bumped his head so we were simply comforting him. Kevin was holding him and I went to wrap his "sissy" others known as a blanket around him and all I see is blood pouring out of his mouth. Needless to say, we both went into panic mode. It looked like something from a horror movie. We got him to the sink where we could wash his mouth out with water and eventually realized he had busted his lip. Not a pretty sight at all!
Fortunately, there were no broken teeth and nothing more that a BIG FAT LIP! It was a sad situation, but he was fine within 10 minutes of it all happening!
My very first "fat-lip!" More on how it happened later...