Friday, February 25, 2011

One Week Later

Well we have officially been in our new house for one whole week!!! Where in the world has it gone! Still have yet to take pictures, but if we did have pictures, you would see lots of boxes piled up and suitcases with lots of clothes in them!

Oh well, it will get done eventually...I am in no rush! Peyton loves his new house! He loves all the room he has and the big shower he has! Such a difference in what we have lived in for the past 6 months! After this weekend, we will have everything moved from the apartment and be here 100%!

Hopefully we will call this home for at least 3 years...that is yet to be determined! I swear pictures will come soon!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

February 14 2007 was where it all began! That is the day when Kevin and I walked into the office of Dr. Robin Poe-Ziegler and were told the news...The news that not everyone wants to hear, the news that you think will never happen to you!

We were told that our "best" way to conceive a child was going to be through IVF! Talk about shocking news when you are trying to start a family! We were completely fine while sitting in the office that day but once we came home and had all day to digest the information we were devastated! I will never forget what a horrible evening we had that night. We fought because it was such unknown territory and lets face it, we were SCARED!!!

All I could think was "what if we never have a child of our own??" Little did we know that we would in fact be blessed with our little miracle in May 2008!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Friday, February 11, 2011

So Busy

We have been so incredibly busy this past week!

We have so much going on and life has gotten crazy to say the least! Since December we have been working on opening our own business! It has always been a dream of ours to own a business and we finally made it a reality in December! We have been working on opening a Frozen Yogurt Bar and finally opened the doors on Friday Feb 4 2011! We have been pretty slow, but are looking forward to the spring and of course a name change in the next month! We will keep you posted on how it goes!

We are also 1 week away from moving into our house! Let me tell you....we are beyond ready to be in our own space again! Toys fill every inch of where we live now!!! So, next Friday night will be our first night in our new home!!! Fingers crossed all goes according to schedule so we make it!

Other than that we are moving along and staying busy! Peyton has been such a trooper with our new venture! He has hung with us each and every step!

Pictures of the new house coming soon!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy

Happy Birthday to the Best Daddy Ever!!! Kev turns the big 33 today!!! Peyton called his daddy this morning and sang to Happy Birthday to him and did a great job! After we had lunch at our favorite place (Taco Bell) we had to go get Daddy some Balloons and a Candle!!! He is so excited for his Daddy to see the Balloons and candle he picked out!

Happy 33rd Bday to the best Daddy ever!!!