How in the world did that happen...MDR is 6 months old~~~
He is starting to show his personality for sure. He is such a sweet baby most of the time, unless he is hungry or tired.
He is wearing size 2 diapers
He is wearing 3-6 month clothes
Over Easter weekend, he had a tiny bite of sweet potatoes and at his cousine Cole's birthday party he had a bite of frozen yogurt. This child will try to put anything and everything that we are eating or drinking in his mouth!! He goes for his 6 month check up on Monday so I am sure we will get the green light to start food!!!
He is smitten with his brother...his eyes light up as soon as he sees him!
He definitely loves his mommy...if I am in the room he has his eyes on me...even more so if he is tired or hungry!
He is rolling over pretty regularly now...and trying to sit up without tumbling over.
His schedule remains about the same. Nurses every three hours during the naps in the morning and usually a decent afternoon nap! Bedtime is 8 and he knows that!!!
He gets two formula bottles a day, one before nap and a larger one before bed.
For the most part he will sleep from 8 until 2 or 230. Nurses and will go back to sleep until around 6 and sometimes will go until 7 or 730!!!
What a joy this little guy is hard to remember life without him!!!