I seriously cannot believe that Peyton is 4 on May 15! It seems like his short little life has flown by right in front of my eyes! I feel like we were just at the hospital and preparing to welcome a new baby boy into this world!
Peyton has matured so much over the past year. And what a big year we have had!
Since turning 3 so many things have changed.
The biggest one is that he is now a big brother and an awesome big brother at that. He loves his brother and wants to hold him all the time. He helps me throughout the day with diapers, toys, making sure that Maddox isn't rolling off the bed!
He began PreK3 in August and was a very shy, extremely nervous boy the first months. I was ready to pull him out, but then came November and he decided he was ready to go back (after our NC adventure).
Ever since, he has loved school! He has even asked to go multiple days....
He has become such a big helper around the house. He always wants to wash dishes, or throw away trash and replace the trash bags! I can't believe I have this little man who is willing to help with anything and everything!
We go for a his 4 year check up in June so it will be interesting to see how much he weighs and how tall he is!
He still takes a nap on most days and those naps range from 2-3 hours! Hope this will continue!
I would venture to say that his favorite food would be pizza or plain pasta. And he is definitely my child in the sweets department! :)
He loves to sing and dance and is a whiz on the ipad and iphone! I think he will be into electronics just like his daddy!
We are looking forward to a fun filled summer around here enjoying my newly turned 4 year old!!!
I am hoping to post some pictures of his party! He had a blast with all of his buddies~!!
2009 Home & Flower Show
16 years ago