Thursday, January 27, 2011

Aruba 2010....Finally!

We have been home from Aruba for almost a month and oh how we miss it! Peyton had a fabulous time...he loved playing in the pool and the ocean. Everyday he wanted to go surf on his "surfboard" otherwise known as a float. He also wanted to build sand castles and chase his daddy every single day!

He became very used to having everyone around...especially his daddy! It was a hard first week back home, but he seems to be getting used to daddy being back at work!

Enjoy the pictures...there were so many good ones...just picked a few to share!

Relaxing in the chair!
Cheesing for the camera! (uncle B's bday dinner on the beach!)

Such a cute picture in his red hat! Like his Pop Pops...

Finally a kiss for his took us forever to get him to give his Nana a kiss...she found a way...cherries

Love this one...little surfer boy

Up close of the curly, beach hair

Action shot of he and daddy...

Another action shot in our favorite pool...The Radisson...
Taking a snooze on mommy after a fall on the porch! He was so excited to bring lollipops out to his pop pop that he leaped off of the steps with wet feet! Not a good situation!

After the fall...

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