So we had decided that we better go to the hospital and just get checked out...after all, my nerves were shot and there was no way I was going to be able to rest with all that had happened. We decided to call our OB here and let them know what was going on. I eventually got to speak with the on call doctor, which happened to be the midwife of the practice. As I am telling her what has been going on, she proceeds to tell me that I am not in labor and I simply need to go home and take a warm bath and relax.
Kev and I are in limbo...not knowing what to do, we decide to take her advice head to my parents house and try a warm bath and a heating pad. This is at 8:45pm...we get to my parents house and on the way there had decided if I were still "cramping" at 10 pm then we would head to the hospital. We got there and managed to beat my parents and Peyton back to the house. They walked in and I was laying on the couch doubled over in pain with a heating pad that was not helping whatsoever!!! I decided I needed to use the bathroom again and when I did I knew!!
My water had broken and the smell reminded me of a hospital! I knew something was not right!!! I came out and off we was 9:30 at this point. My parents live about 20-30 minutes from the hospital, so we were a wee bit nervous. I grabbed my heating pad and fortunately we had not unpacked our car yet, so I had my pregnancy pillow in the front seat with me. As we are driving, the contractions are coming harder and closer together, I am holding on to Kev's arm for dear life and then the unthinkable happens...we are getting ready to get on the highway, Kev is doing all he can to get us to the hospital and may or may not have run an orange light...
The cop, yes the cop, pulls us over and asks us why we are in such a hurry and Kev's response is...Can't you see the pain that my wife is in? His response was do you realize you could have killed someone?? one around us for a mile!!! He then tells us to be safe and good luck, but offers no type of escort to the hospital. Seriously....
We make it to Forsyth Medical at probably 10:15 ish and Kev then drops me off at the ER where I am wheeled into the waiting room and I am being asked 100 different questions, which I cannot answer because I am in so much pain. Kev finally gets back inside to me after parking the car and we then get put up in Labor and Delivery for them to check me. I am laying on the bed in excruciating pain and wondering what in the world is happening. With Peyton, I never experienced "real labor." With him it was pitocin induced and that I can't remember 100%.
A nurse comes in to check me and at this point I am asking for pain meds. She checks me and says you are 6 centimeters dilated. WHAT????? I am sure Kev and I turned white as ghosts. We were in NC, nowhere near our OB and 5 weeks before my due date...
Kev then starts to call everyone and get my parents to the hospital. They put us in a room and started to get me prepped for delivery! I am begging for medicine at this time and the finally come back to check me, reassuring me that the anesthesiologist will be there as soon as he can. I was at an 8 at this point and there has been no sign of my parents anywhere. Kev calls them and they are in the waiting room, so we quickly get my mom back and it felt as though it was 5 minutes later I was ready to push.
At this point I am telling whoever is listening that I am ready to push and sure enough, I was! I pushed a total of 3 times and at 11:53 pm Maddox Dylan came into the world. He weighed in at 5 lbs 7.5oz and was 18 1/2 inches long! Kev actually watched this little guy come into the world. He said he saw his head and started to get worried due to the size of it...he was crowing and finally his whole head came through. Granted he still had a small head seeing that he was 5 weeks early!
They wrapped him up in what seemed like 10 blankets and handed him to me. My first thought was that he looked just like Peyton! I couldn't believe it....he was here and seemed fine in the beginning. He had a slight grunting noise as the doctors and nurses called it, but nothing that seemed alarming to anyone, as best we could tell. The doctor just said they would keep an eye on him and if anything was bothersome then they would take him to observe him in the NICU.
I got to hold him, Kev held him and my mom held him. My dad and Peyton came into the room and got to see him, but at this point is was after midnight so everyone was EXHAUSTED from our crazy night!
We all stayed in the delivery room for a few minutes and then the nurse decided she would call the NICU nurses so they could observe him. He was still grunting and they just wanted to be sure that he was perfectly fine!
At this point, my parents take Peyton home with them and Kev and I are waiting to be moved to our room. We are taken by the NICU on the way to our room and I must admit, I have very foggy memories of that night in there. All I remember is talking to the nurse who wheeled me down and waiting for Kev who had to go park the car and bring our bags and pillows up.
Little did we know that our roller coaster ride was only beginning!
2009 Home & Flower Show
16 years ago
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