We took Maddox for his 9 month check up today and what a growing baby we have these days!!
He is weighing in at 15 lbs 3 oz and 26 3/4 inches long! The doctor pointed out that he was still on the small side, but I think he looks like a lot of other kiddos that we see!
So Peyton was very anxious about going to the doctor today in fear of shots for his brother! What a sweet brother to be that concerned! Good news is there were no shots today! He did get his toe pricked just so they could check his iron levels. Hoping that comes back fine.
He started "cruising" yesterday. We were hanging out and he decided to pull himself up on our coffee table and proceed to walk around it a bit! I couldn't believe it. He will hardly sit, but yet he is ready to walk! He has his agenda I suppose!
In Peyton news, he started swim lessons yesterday. His instructors name is Nate and at first Peyton was very apprehensive about it. We walked in and Peyton was about to get in the pool and the waterworks came. I walked inside to fill out a few forms and before I knew it our 30 minutes were up. I walked out to see Peyton jumping to Mr. Nate with no lifejacket at all! I hope he will become more comfortable with the water as we go!! He says is ready to go back on Friday. Hope he is more at ease with it this go round!
2009 Home & Flower Show
16 years ago
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