Thursday, October 11, 2012

MDR is 1!!!!

My precious little bundle of joy turned one on Sunday,  I can hardly believe that I just typed that!  It truly seems like yesterday we were in the midst of a horrible nightmare.  Seriously the longest two weeks of my life when Maddox was in the NICU.  Between him being there and Peyton and Kevin driving back and forth to Virginia...somedays I just look back and think how much we actually went through!  

Maddox had a fabulous birthday weekend!  We started the celebration in Winston Salem on Friday night where we had NC BBQ and A Mickey Mouse cake!  Maddox really got into that one!  He was covered in icing and he loved very minute of it!  The next day we headed to the fair and walked around and had turkey legs, ice cream and of course chocolate covered frozen bananas!  DELICIOUS!!!!  

Sunday was his actual birthday and we drove back to VA and went to the Elmo show.  We were exhausted but the boys had a blast!!!

One more celebration and that was last night for the family in VA!!!  We had chicken bbq( I am noticing a trend here) and of course cake and ice cream!  The theme this go round was the very hungry caterpillar.  The cake was too cute!  Pics to come later!

As for Maddox...he is doing great.  We had a check up on  Tuesday and he is doing great!
Weight: 15lbs 13oz (7%)
Height: 28 inches (3%)
He would seriously eat all day!  His most favorite foods are yogurt, bread, fruit of any kind...the list could go on and on.  He is a great eater.  
He is still wearing cloth diapers but when we do use disposable he wears a 3.
Clothes we are in 6-12 months
He has a head full of hair and looks just like his brother!  

What a sweet baby boy we have!  Seriously can't remember our lives before the little guy.

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