Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cute Story...

Peyton loves Disney and lately has been into the castle when he sees it on TV...Kevin and I have talked endlessly about wanting to take Peyton to Disney World while he is still young. If he is anything like me he will want to live there! I grew up always wanting to go to Disney...I got it dad is the same way!

So the other night when a commercial came on for Disney World, Peyton stopped what he was doing, stood right in front of the TV and watched in awe. After the commercial was over he looked at Kevin and I and said "we need to talk to Noni and Popi about going there!"

They learn so fast....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Aruba 2010....Finally!

We have been home from Aruba for almost a month and oh how we miss it! Peyton had a fabulous time...he loved playing in the pool and the ocean. Everyday he wanted to go surf on his "surfboard" otherwise known as a float. He also wanted to build sand castles and chase his daddy every single day!

He became very used to having everyone around...especially his daddy! It was a hard first week back home, but he seems to be getting used to daddy being back at work!

Enjoy the pictures...there were so many good ones...just picked a few to share!

Relaxing in the chair!
Cheesing for the camera! (uncle B's bday dinner on the beach!)

Such a cute picture in his red hat! Like his Pop Pops...

Finally a kiss for his took us forever to get him to give his Nana a kiss...she found a way...cherries

Love this one...little surfer boy

Up close of the curly, beach hair

Action shot of he and daddy...

Another action shot in our favorite pool...The Radisson...
Taking a snooze on mommy after a fall on the porch! He was so excited to bring lollipops out to his pop pop that he leaped off of the steps with wet feet! Not a good situation!

After the fall...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sweet Baby Boy!

Peyton is such a sweet little boy...he definitely has his moments so we have started having to do "time out" with him! He knows exactly which chair he has to sit in and then what he has to do when it is over....Tell us why he is in time out, apologize and then give us a hug and kiss and tell each other that we love them!

Today the threat of a time out was there and the first thing he said was "Mommy I want to give you a kiss!" Such sweet kid! I couldn't love him anymore....

I promise one day we will get back up and running on the blog~

Life is extremely hectic right now and hoping to calm down by March...we will keep our fingers crossed!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas Catch-Up

Wowzers...I just realized I never posted Christmas pics...shame on me!!
As I was loading these I realized the color is horrible!!! Oh Well!!!

Christmas Eve...waiting on Santa to arrive!
Santa came...and Peyton is scared to death!!!

Christmas Night...So excited to show daddy his toy!

Can hardly stand it!

Christmas was so much fun this year...Peyton really got into it! Ripping the paper off of any present he could find, tearing the tissue out of magical in a child's eyes!!!