Monday, June 11, 2012

4 year stats

Even though we are a month late, today I took Peyton in for his 4 year checkup!

I have always heard that the 4 year appointment is horrible and I will have to agree.  All day Peyton has been concerned about having shots.  I have tried to tell him that he will have to have a shot but he kept telling me he wasn't going to.

Well...our time finally came and Peyton had to have a hearing test, a vision test, 4 shots and of course all of the normal routine things.

He is weighing in at 37.11lbs and 41inches tall.  He is in the 65% for both.  He passed his hearing and vision test with no problems.  The doctor told me he was perfect...then she had to tell him about the shots...from that point on it was screaming and tears.  I had to squeeze him so he couldn't move his arms...bless his sweet little heart.  All he kept telling me was that "they hurt so bad."  As we were leaving he asked me if I could buckle him in the car.  So sweet and innocent at this age.  I am so glad that they only have to go yearly at this point!!!

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